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BD Tax & Finance Group Inc was founded by Brenda Duran in 2009 under the name DBA Tax Support Services & More. From 2012 through 2019 BD Tax & Finance Group was the recipient of the Best of Sacramento Award on Tax Returns, Accountancy and Payroll categories by the Sacramento Award Program as well as the 2015 Latina Style Magazine Best Latina Business Owner in Sacramento Award. 

BD Tax & Finance Group has become a well-known business mentor through several non-profit organizations. It is our goal to educate businesses in Sacramento to become tax savy business owners. We believe knowledge is power and it is for this reason that empowering our local businesses is our mission and measure of success. Because of these goals Brenda Rejamand is often featured by Univision News to inform the community of the IRS latest updates.

BD Tax & Finance Group is an active member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as well as the California of Enrolled Agents Association. Our team of dedicated individuals enjoys giving back to our community by serving voluntarily and sponsoring in yearly signature events. Our firm is an active California of Enrolled Agents Association member and our team has an Enrolled Agent status, which by definition is the highest credential to practice before the IRS. Our goal, motive, and mission statement is to always provide unparalleled service to keep our clients in tax compliance, "Because Money Matters".

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916-476-3244 Fax: 916-405-3599

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